
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Selling shit online sucks

Those of you who have never tried to sell anything online have no idea what you're missing out on.

No, seriously.

NO idea.

Especially when that something is something large, worth a lot of money, and somewhat essential to your day to day operations as you cruise through that potential myth you call 'reality' (I could do a sideline on quantum physics here, but I'll leave it to another fine day).

Recently, I undertook the endeavour of trying to sell my car online.  The ole girl... well, not so old, but anyways... it was time for her to find a new home for a number of reasons, the first being that I wanted an SUV to haul around my 10,583 dogs (I exaggerate a bit here), and the second reason being I really, really, really really really, REALLY wanted to pay of my fucking Visa card.

Curse you Visa with all your deceiving offers of 'pay later' and 'we'll give you travel rewards'.  Fuckers.


Hey!  Dirty Laundry by Don Henley on the radio, I LOVE this tune!!!  "I make my living on the evening news, gotta give me something, something I can use... people love it when you lose..."

AHEM!  Sorry!


So, being the enterprising individual that I am (not sure what that has to do with selling my car, but whatev), I got the ole girl detailed (complete rip off, don't bother, do it yourself), took some snazzy pictures, and proceeded to post her on and  Now allow me to share a few quick lessons here:

1.  Anything on will do nothing for your vehicle except generate a number of scam e-mails.  Now don't quote me on this, but anyone looking to deal through 'agents' or wanting your PayPal account information is likely a scammer.  Just sayin'.

2.  If you can put up with the scam e-mails, anything on will make the value of your car look fabulous if you ever go to a used car dealer seeking a trade-in.  Especially if your ad was overpriced to begin with, you never bothered to amend the price because you got tired of all the fucking scam e-mails, and the used car sales guy is too stupid to realize that the car in the picture is the exact same car that he just evaluated and is currently parked outside the showroom door.

3.  Anything on will quickly be bumped to like page bazillion.  Because there is like a quadrillion car ads posted on there everyday.

So... job one was the car was posted online.  Now we move on to the actual 'interest' and buying process.

As aforementioned, there will always be scam e-mails.  Those were associated with the ad on  I also got a bazillion offers of trades via my ad.  Make sure if you are not in the least interested in trades you put that in your ad.  Of the legit enquiries I got about my car, probably like 2 out of 3 were just 'tire kickers'.  These are people that have no intention what-so-fucking-ever of buying your car, but feel like being douches and just wasting your time.  At least I think they're just douches, maybe they're jerks or jamheads instead, I'm just guessing here.

You will, however, if you're lucky get a few genuinely 'interested' individuals.  Here's a summary of my 'interested' individuals:

1.  Individual One lowballed me off the start, but in the interest of selling my car I negotiated back and forth a bit.  In the end I decided to accept his offer, upon which he asked for a CarProof report.  Now, the CarProof on my car is the most boring document in the history of mankind.  My car is spotless.  I pay $50 for the CarProof, send it to the guy, and never hear from him again.  Thanks for wasting my time (and $50) douche.  Maybe he works for CarProof?  That sneaky rat bastard...

2.  Individual Two was a high school kid, who was looking to buy a car with some assistance from his parents.  Now by this time I had lowered the price of my car to what was basically it's published black-book value.  What the kid neglected to tell me was that his budget was $4,500 below what I wanted for the car.  And he continued to neglect this little fact even after I drove the car into town to HIS house, and let them take it for a test drive.  Despite being lowballed yet again (when he eventually admitted what his budget was), once I decided to accept what was his budget-offer I never heard from him again.  Thanks for the courtesy phone call saying "no, thank you".  Jerk.

3.  Individual Three sent me an e-mail asking if it was still available and if I'd take "x dollars", and after I replied with a "yes" and my phone number, I never heard from them again.  Once again, thanks for wasting my time and my "pay per GB" broadband usage.

4.  Individual Four... well, let's just say the anecdotes don't get any better.

All in all, this was a very, very, VERY (did I mention very?) stressful experience.  I spent approximately two to three months of time negotiating with people, becoming elated when I thought it had sold and it was all over, only to be crushed when the douche's just became more tire kickers.  I would not wish this experience on anyone.

In the end, my car just got traded straight across on another vehicle, and all I've accomplished is the ability to haul my dogs around.  Plus I miss my car. 

Now the fun begins anew with my 'new' vehicle as I am still determined to get rid of that Visa payment.

Curse you Visa!!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Christmas Wish List

Christmas is inevitably a time of some contemplation around here, as Husband and I start nagging each other about what we want.  This year, however, I thought I might make it easier on him by dropping some hints.  Now, to add a little backstory, I've recently been watching the entire Stargate SG-1 series (gettin' my geek on, yee-ah!) from start to finish on DVD, and many great ideas have occurred to me while watching the show of what I'd like for Christmas.

So, I present to you my Christmas wishlist!  Along with my husband's not-always-encouraging responses.

Seriously.  Coolest gift idea EVAR!

Me:  Can I have a stargate for Christmas?
Husband:  No.

Me:  Can I have a spaceship for Christmas?
Husband:  No.

Me:  Can I have a wormhole for Christmas?
Husband:  A what?!
Me:  You know, a wormhole.  Transports you light-years across the galaxy instantaneously...
Husband: ...

Al'kesh bomber - rear view.
Me:  Can I have a stargate for Christmas?
Husband:  Still no.

Me:  Okay, I definitely do NOT want a Goa'uld symbiote for Christmas.
Husband:  Alright.  I'll take it back then.

Me:  Can I have an automatic weapon for Christmas?
Husband:  YES!
My prototype Al'kesh. Unfortunately,
it lost structural integrity when I had
my lunch.  A lovely piece of
tortierre.  Back to the drawing

Me:  Can I have a Al'kesh bomber for Christmas?
Husband:  I have no idea WTF that is.  So no. 

Me:  Can I have some refined naquadah for Christmas?
Husband:  What?!

Me:  Can I have some C4 for Christmas?
Husband:  Hell YES!
Me: ...
Husband: Seriously.  Can I bring home some C4?
Me: ...

Me:  Can I have a SWAT team for Christmas?
Husband:  You're married to one.
Me:  Point.

Me:  Can I have a hyperdrive for Christmas?
Husband:  No.

Me:  You know, I'd really like a stargate for Christmas...
Husband:  No.

So, in conclusion, I think it far more likely that I'm getting a weaving book and warping board for Christmas, and not the stargate or spaceship that I really want.

But then again, there's always Santa...

Friday, December 2, 2011

A theory about license pictures

I have recently had an address change forced upon me by the benevolent Canada Post, despite my physical residence not changing.

Apparently, my old address was just not good enough.

Insert shitty picture above.
Anyways, it requires a very good chunk of local population to take a lovely letter from Canada Post down to the local registry office, and get the address on your license changed sans charge.  Being the efficient (occasionally), on-the-ball (I try, honestly), law-abiding (yeah... that one sticks... mostly) person that I am, I headed off to the registry the day the change went into effect to get this annoying task done.

While there, the clerk pointed out that my license was due to expire in the spring, and would I like to just simply take care of that then and there?

Well sure!

Unfortunately, license renewal meant a new picture for said license, which is a bit of a nightmare in itself.

Now, I'm not really a photogenic person.  I used to be, but age, a desk job and just life in general has taken it's toll and pictures are no longer my friend.  I've thought of running away and joining something like a Hutterite colony to avoid any pictures in the future, but really, I kind of like my life, and I really don't look good in a babushka or skirt either.

So, on the day in question I discovered that to make photos for passports and licenses even better, they've decided that you aren't allowed to wear your glasses.  Plus they make you hold yourself in these ridiculous poses, you aren't allowed to smile, AND I had just been at the dentist getting a couple of fillings redone (perhaps a rant on that later).

Mmmmm... cooooookie...
To sum it up, my picture looks like a stoned Jabba the Hutt or something equally as horrifying.

Now, I liked my old license picture; I had just gotten a fantastic haircut and gone for a massage, and oh look!  Conveniently the registry is right next to the massage therapist, I think I'll knock a task off my list and get my license renewed.  It was FANTASTIC!  I was not afraid to show this picture to ANYONE!

The current picture?  Well, maybe it's another new government policy.  They make you take such a shitty picture that there is no way in HELL you are getting pulled over and having to show that puppy to ANYONE.  It's called a deterrent.  Kind of like the death penalty used to be.

Next time I'll be sure to employ the massage/haircut method before I get my picture done.  Which reminds me, my passport needs renewal... hmmmm...

In the meantime, I'll just obey the posted speed limit to avoid having to show this horrifying picture to anyone.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Big red buttons and telekinesis

At my work, there is a fascinating big red button. This button is magical, and will cause power to be cut to our computer server room, which allegedly will protect the servers in the event of a fire and subsequent triggering of the sprinkler system.

Legend has it that once the big red button is pushed, it literally takes hours to bring all the servers back online. Jokingly, we dare each other to push the big red button such that we can leave work, and go home early. Alas, it has a protective cover on it to prevent 'accidental' pressage.

Now, we do get our fair share of false fire alarms, and drills in this building, and all file out orderly-llike and head off to our muster point. The button is not pushed for these occasions.

Someday, in the future, there will likely be a need for the button to be pushed, but alas, we will not. Why? Because we have been conditioned not to. Once we get outside and realize there actually is a fire somewhere in the building, surely we will not be allowed back inside to push the button.

So really, this sad little button serves no purpose.

In the meantime, however, I am working on my telekinetic powers. There has to be a way to leave no evidence on the button cover. For it'd be fantastic if this shift would end right about... now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, September 26, 2011

Being grounded doesn't always suck

Well, there had to be one in here somewhere, it's time for the touchy-feely post.
Soaking up sunshine is

Wait!!!  Don't run away!!

It's not that touchy-feely.  It's kind of an ode to my animals.  When I say grounded, I don't mean as in you did something really bad, and now you're not allowed to watch TV, leave the house, or phone your friends.  Or have to stay in your room.  That never worked on me, my room was my little heaven, full of sci-fi books, puzzles, crafty bits...

Whoops... digression again...

Anyways.  When I say grounded I mean as in firmly on terra firma, stuck in the 'here'.  No... I didn't suck back a whole bunch of helium and start to float away and be saved by my animals either.

Naps are important.
Seriously, people, where do you get these ideas?!  As if a person could really legally purchase that much helium anyways.  I mean it's illegal.

What's that you say?  It's not?  Hmmmm...

Ahem.  Right...

Back to my animals.  I have 6 dogs, 4 cows, and had a cat up until Christmas when she passed away (I still miss her so much).  And they all are (and were), in a word, awesome.

Do you ever have those days when it just seems the Universe is out to get you?  Every driver lacking any skillsets related to driving seem to find you on your commute?  Crappy customer service?  Bad news?  Etc, etc?

Now come on.  Don't lie.  I know you have those days, every one does once in awhile!

I'm sure animals must look at us chasing our schedules, answering that nagging cell phone, and sitting in our media-infested bubbles and think we're all nuts.  As in certifiable.  Really, our world is only as complicated as we make it with our thoughts and actions.

Grinning is important.
Whenever I am having one of those days, my animals bring me back to reality.  They remind me that all that shit doesn't really matter, what matters is smiling like you don't have a care in the world, wagging your tail (we all have one, you know), chewing your cud, and just laying in the sunshine soaking up some rays.  Oh and naps.  They remind me that naps are very important as well.  

In trying to keep up with the here and now, however, I guess I'll leave my life a wee bit complicated in the meantime, because without my computer-media-bubble, I would have no blog! But I know my animals will make it all better at the end of the day despite the pictures not displaying properly or the internet being flaky.

And that, my friends, is why they are awesome!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sharing means caring

I've been meaning for awhile to toss out a a post sharing some neat-oh things I've discovered in both my travels here in the cyber world (is that the correct term?!) and the physical world. Well, today is that day! Partially because I'm trying to win a $50 gift card from Amazon via The Simple Dude, but mostly just because I like to share. If there's something being subjected to the Care Bears vis a vis my brothers taught me, it's sharing is caring. It also taught me that bears with rainbows, hearts and balloons on their bellies are just creepy.

Anyways... tossin' out a few faves!

Blog: Simple Dude in a Complex World

Happy Blog-O-Versary Simple Dude!
Happy Anniversary Simple Dude!  I am a proud Simpleton.   

Phew!  Got that out of the way! 

Seriously though, this is a great site if you're lookin' for a quick laugh or a unique take on the world.  In Simple Dude's words, "I am a 30-something city dwelling professional living in Minnesota.  Like most guys I like cars, sports and beer but I also like movies, TV, music, reading, writing and am a fan of pop culture.  Oh, and I have a shitload of opinions on all those things. "

I'm 30-something, and get Minnesoootan's as a lot of us Canucks do.  Cars? Check. Sports? Meh.  Beer?  Yuck.  Movies, TV, music, reading, writing?  Check. Opinions?  Yup.

We got a lot in common, Simple Dude and I. Check out his one-year-old blog for a fix of funny. 

Blog: Hyperbole and a Half

Yet even more funny to be found here, and some posts even feature dogs! YAY!

This blog features funny stories, hand-drawn (well, mouse-drawn) pictures, and DOGS! Did I mention there were posts about dogs?

A few notables:
Dogs don't understand basic concepts like moving
God of cake


Website: I-Am-Bored

Where do you go when you're bored? Well, if you tell Google that you're bored, this is where it tells you to go! Full of games, interesting and odd news stories, videos, pictures... you name it, it's here. Be prepared to kill HOURS on this site, or be overloaded by the content. Either way, it's a cure for boredom! 

Farmer's Market: Southwest Edmonton Farmer's Market

Seriously, for all you southwest Edmontonian's, this market is the shiz. You can go on and on about your City Market downtown on 104th, and the Strathcona Farmer's Market, but if you want your staples, and don't want to have to deal with the hassle of pay-for-parking or transit and crowds, check it out.  Great veggies and fruit, both of the organic and non-variety, a few baked goods, a local farm operation for some protein, and the mini-donut-mobile. What more could one ask for?

In the same skein, I'd also like to toss out a suggestion to check out the Salisbury Farmer's Market in Sherwood Park, the Johnson Family Farm is there every week and feature farm fresh cottage cheese, cream, butter, buttermilk and assorted offerings like pork and chicken. No word of a lie, this stuff takes me back to my Ukrainian-Canadian roots childhood and is the real deal. 

Music: Goldfrapp

Now I realize that not everyone has the same taste in music as me (we can't all be perfect, after all) but I figured I'd pimp these guys a bit because they're relatively unknown, but have some seriously great tunes. If you're into a rock/electronic kinda vibe, go preview a few songs on iTunes or your other online music service. I suggest Strict Machine and Train, both conveniently off their Black Cherry album. You may remember the songs from a couple of Nintendo commercials a few years back.  You'll also likely recognize Ooh La La from the album Supernature from a recent Lincoln car commercial. It'll get your toes-tappin' and your legs-a-dancin'!

Movies: Super 8

Now I was going to write an entire post about this movie, but didn't get around to it so I'll toss in a quick review here.  In short? I LOVED THIS MOVIE!! First off, let me say this movie was NOT at all what I expected, and Spielberg and Abrams didn't disappoint. I went in expecting another Independence Day'ish, kick-some-bad-alien-butt kind of movie, and I got...

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!....................

ET!! How awesome is that?!  My only complaint is I wanted more development of the alien's story and character, but otherwise I left this movie feeling like a kid again. It restored my faith that Hollywood can make more than just another summer-blockbuster, chock-full-of-special-effects kind of movie.  Now there are people reading this that are going yeah, whatever, chickie-poo. But seriously, this movie took me back to the 80's, when cinema (or at least the kind of cinema I enjoy) was still good, and had interesting characters, and wasn't all about the special effects.

But that's just my opinion. I encourage you to check it out for youself.

Book: The Story of Stuff

Last pimp, I promise. In fact, I won't even write a lot about this book, I'll just leave it at "It's a great read!". For more, check out my Martha-Stewart-personalities review of it on my other blog, located here 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The coffee-stain monster

As you may have surmised from a previous post recommending actions to do and not do at 4am, I am a shift worker.  Often-times on night shifts, my brain goes some pretty weird places, and during zombie-walks (walks in which one stumbles along in a (usually) vain attempt to wake oneself up) the office building that I work in can be a pretty creepy place.

 For a few weeks now, this lovely coffee stain has greeting me at the entrance to our work area, and ever since it appeared, I've been thinking this stain is really not what it seems.

 This, dear reader, is what you might see upon viewing it:

This, however, is what I see:

Yup, the night shift does some really strange things to one's brain.  Although I should add the caveat that I see this stain the same way during the day too. 

 What can I say?  Random...

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The end of an era...

Space Shuttle Atlantis makes the final trip into orbit.
Recently, the final space shuttle mission blasted off from Cape Canaveral and marked the end of a very cool era. Being a child of the 80's and having a lifelong fascination with the heavens above us, I had always wanted to go see a shuttle launch and once I realized late last year that this was it for the shuttle program, I decided to get down to see one of the final few launches.

Alas, however, it was not meant to be partially due to circumstances which I had little control over.

My disappointment as I watched the shuttle launch live via the internet on Friday morning was extreme, and melancholy followed me for a small portion of the day.

I wanted to have been there, and should have tried harder to make it happen.

Then, a little lightbulb representing a reality check slowly started to come on in my head.

For starters, yeah... it would have been hella cool to be there. But I had tried twice to get a coveted viewing position on the causeway, and had not been chosen for the lotto. This means I would have been delegated to viewing areas along the coast just like everyone else. Given that the day of the final launch was somewhat overcast and quite hazy, I'm doubting that too many people got the spectacular photos they would have liked. Even the footage that NASA broadcast live over their HD channel was not that great, and they have the best camera locations possible. So really, all I missed out on was the sound reverberating deep in my chest, which although disappointing in itself is not the end of the world.

The second little tidbit of reality that permeated my brain has pretty much completely killed any lingering disappointment that I had over not being able to go, and it's this:

When I think about my Grandmother, who was born in the 1930's, and all the amazing, really cool shit she has seen come to fruition in her lifetime, and then think about all the amazing, really cool shit that has even just come to fruition in my shorter lifetime, I now know that the shuttle program ending is not the end at all.

I have read somewhere that science and technology grow exponentially... in other words every cool, amazing breakthrough paves the way toward other cool, amazing breakthroughs, and they in turn do the same for the next leap forward.

To put it simply, the shuttle program was just a starting block... NASA is already talking men on Mars with the next generation of spacecraft that they intend to develop. And you know what? I intend on being around when they launch that particular puppy into the wild blue.  And the cooler thing yet?

It will be yet another starting block for a whole new host of ideas...

Here's to living to 150 years old, my fine readers!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Random commentaries from a random mind - June 2011

Another month (approximately), another round of happenings and goings on to comment on.  Let's start with a little celebutard, shall we?

Lindsay Lohan, perpetual jail (avoidance) bird

How does this girl do it?  She routinely breaks the rules, flaunts the law, and just generally makes a tabloid-lover's wet dream of herself, and yet she still isn't in fucking jail!  Are you kidding me?!  Honestly, there are few words to describe my complete lack of understanding of this situation and lack of balls in the justice system when it comes to celebrities in general.

Heaven help all those little girls that she is a 'role model' for, can't wait (well, yes, I can) to see what she has up her sleeve next.

'Nuff said.

Vancouver riots

My favourite image from the many taken during the riots.
Make love, not war people!!  Photographer: Rich Lam
Ignoring the obvious question of why was there was a riot in the first place, the recent media frenzy has shown that it wasn't just "criminals and miscreants" that were looting, vandalizing, and just generally making asses of themselves, which comes as no surprise to me.  Have you ever seen a pack of dogs?  You can take any one of those dogs by themselves, and they are the sweetest, happiest-go-lucky pup on the planet, but put them in a pack in a situation that is exciting to them, and it's a mob mentality baby (unless maybe you're a part of Caesar Milan's pack, but I digress).  People are no different.  The miscreants may have started it, but they aren't the only blame to lay here, even some well-heeled, (apparently) upstanding citizens have been pegged in pictures.  

I'd also like to point out that the frenzy surrounding the identification of the troublemakers via photos and video on social networking sites is really no different than the mentality that prevailed during the riots.  Only difference is no cop cars are being burned or overturned.  Vigilantiism, while seemingly honorable according to Hollywood and whether through implied threats or actual actions, is still illegal.

Seriously people.  There are better things to riot about in this world than your team losing the Stanley Cup.  Those that started the riot and participated may want to move to a location where they would have good reason to riot.  Might make them appreciate what they have here more.

THE Royal Wedding

Honestly, while not participating in the frenzy surrounding the wedding of Will and Kate, even I have to admit it was a spot of 'happy' in amongst all the 'sad' that generally dominates the news.  So I really got nothin' bad to say here other than congrats to the couple.  I'm sure you've fuelled the dreams of a new generation of little girls who want to find that prince someday, and may you be/become fantastic role models to those that are still entranced by royalty.

Gas Prices

Gas price rage
Compliments of:
They're up, they're down (kinda), then back up... where will it end?!  Oil companies try to blame federal and provincial taxes, governments try to blame oil companies and greed... reality is it's the consumer getting screwed in the end.

Just a few points here...
  1. Somebody is getting rich (not me or you I assume... well, maybe you).
  2. The government tax rate on fuel doesn't vary on a daily or weekly basis.
  3. It's all based on supply and demand (maybe mostly... there's other theories out there).
  1. Drive less.
  2. Develop an alternative fuel source.
  3. Become an oil baron (or baroness).
Myself?  I've adopted the 'drive less' philosophy (the others are beyond my mental capacity), which is hard because I live a good half hour drive from the nearest major centre.  My appointments and errands are now all co-ordinated, and there has been a lot more "I don't need that right now, it can wait for another day" conversations in our house.  The bonus?  My car will last me a lot longer as well.

Beyond all that, I got no other opinions on going-on's recently.  May you all have a fantastic Canada Day/Independence Day long weekend.  


Friday, June 17, 2011

It's a rainbow-rific kinda day

God/the Universe/<insert your deity/power here> decided this morning that I needed a bit of a pick-me-up and presented me with a very lovely rainbow. Now I did need a pick-me-up (see previous post on this subject), and it was appreciated. Way to go God/the Universe/<insert your deity/power here>, you rule! 

The well of black gold at the
end of the rainbow.
As I was driving, however, I started wondering just where the end of the rainbow and promised pot of gold was. Initially, as evidenced by the picture on the right, it appeared there was no pot of gold but perhaps a well of black gold at the one end.  I'd have taken that in a pinch, but I'm sure the company that owns the well may have taken issue. So then I started contemplating the other end of the rainbow, hoping that it held better promise.

Much to my excitement, the other end appeared to be somewhere near my work!! How fabulous would that be if I came into work and found a pot of gold?! I sure as hell wouldn't be hanging around for the rest of the day, I tell you what!

Sadly the further I drove, the more it became apparent that the other end of the rainbow was nowhere near my work, and my hopes of walking out the door with a big ole 'sayonara!!' were dashed. I'm thinking the end was maybe a Tim Horton's or something, although those places are more gold mines than pots thereof.

Curse you, optical illusion!!! Oh well, at least the colors were pretty.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The census man

Recently, our federal government decreed that by law every Canadian citizen had to fill out their census form. The goal? To be able to more accurately gauge our fine country's demographics, and ergo, our needs.

Now while I have other theories about the actual goal of this new law, I'll keep them to myself and instead leave you all to exercise your imaginations and speculate wildly.

This all seemed like a fantastic idea at the time, but the department tasked with the census, Statistics Canada, has epically failed on the follow-through, given our experience and those of our friends and neighbors that we have talked to.

We were all supposed to receive a paper survey in the mail, along with a secure access that allows one to complete the survey online. Why a secure access code? I have no idea.

Well, we received neither. Instead, we received a politely worded little reminder reminding us it was law to complete our survey.

Not wanting to spend the rest of my days incarcerated, I phoned the number provided to see what was up. I was told that yes, there had been a big screwup, and a secure access code would be arriving in the mail shortly, and would I mind completing the survey online? No problem.

Fast forward approximately three weeks, and still no access code, nor paper survey. One afternoon there was a knock at the door and lo and behold, it is some poor unfortunate soul from Statistics Canada. Once we were done pulling the dogs off him (they were happy to see him, honest), our names were recorded and we were handed a paper survey to fill out.

And then he was gone.

Gone, unfortunately, before I realized there was no magic code on the paper form he had left us with so I could dispense with the annoying paper and do our survey online. Not only that, but we didn't even get a return-addressed, postage-paid envelope in which to return our paper census survey.

This is shades of the recent correspondence we received from Canada Post regarding a change our rural address is undergoing for which we had to return a form. It did include a return-addressed envelope, but no postage (which, ironically, it did require). But I digress...

So a week later I still have not bothered to fill out our census form, waiting in (likely) vain in the midst of a rolling postal strike for a magic secure access code which may never come. Might be time to bite it and fire up the pen and pony up some dough for a stamp.

I tried calling one more time, however after being informed the wait to speak to an agent would exceed 10 minutes I decided I had better things to do with a beautiful afternoon.

My tax dollars hard at work.


- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, May 30, 2011

Misunderstood song lyrics

See, even ol' George W gets stumped
by the lyrics sometimes...

You know how sometimes you listen to one of your favorite songs, and on a lark Google the lyrics only to find out they were not at all what you thought?  Here is a short list of examples I've run across recently.  I have to admit that now that I've actually discovered the correct lyrics, these songs make a lot more sense.  Of course, sometimes they make less sense as well.  And the one thing I've discovered is my hearing (or my comprehension?) has improved with age, how very odd...

The Smiths - How Soon is Now?
Apparently one is not the sun and air, but son and heir.  While the correct words make more sense, and being a son and heir to a mega fortune could have it's benefits, being the sun and air just sounds so fun and, well... airy.

Supertramp - Blinded by the Light
Now while the actual lyric is "Blinded by the light, revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night...", this is certainly not what I have ever heard.  My rendition of this song generally included mentioning something about a douche and a bunch of mumbling.  But given that the rest of the lyrics to this song don't really seem to make a lot of logical sense (especially given I'm pretty sure I know what he's referring to with the 'deuce'), I won't smack myself in the forehead over this one.  Let's just enjoy the catchiness of the tune and pretend to sing along.

The Who - Behind Blue Eyes
No one knows what it's like... to be the Batman.  Actually I have to confess I've always known the correct lyric to this particular tune, but being Batman instead of the bad man is just so much more fun.  That has got to be such a rough gig, fightin' bad guys night after night, and havin' trouble with the ladiez too!  It's gotta be the right kinda gal to dump a secret like that on.  Two thumbs up to my favorite superhero for keepin' it all together and making the streets of Gotham a little safer from the likes of scumbag criminals.  No one really does know what it's like to be him.

You can also check out a more modern take on this song by Limp Bizkit if The Who aren't really your style.  Special props to the Speak & Spell by Texas Instruments for adding it's own styling vocals to this particular version.  You rocked my world as a child, nice to see you're still in the business.

Kenny Rogers/Dolly Parton - Islands in the Stream
Don't laugh too hard, but for a small chunk of my childhood I actually thought the lyrics were 'cottage industry' as opposed to 'islands in the stream'.  I blame the fact that we were learning about the industrial revolution in Social Studies at the time...

Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida
Now the lyrics (or at least the title of this song) are like a pop cultural icon.  The challenge isn't so much singing them, but in actually spelling them which is why I included it in my short list.  I copied the above for my title, thank goodness for Google.

I'd also like to mention I have the original vinyl for this album at home (I'm likely much younger than you think!) and the one side has the 'full' version of this song, which clocks in at something around 17 minutes.  Epic.  The perfect soundtrack to your next weekend bender.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Things not to do at 4am

Being a shift worker working 12 hour shifts, I get to experience the joy of regularly stressing my body out by staying up all night, attempting to produce coherent thoughts and products for my clients while hoping that nothing I send out results in major incidents, crashes, smashes, or other terribleness of epic proportions.  Luckily, I have some very smart clients who are always quick to second guess my work if they think I've made a major fubar.

The further joy of this situation is we only work two, occasionally three shifts in a row before flipping to the opposite shift, with a few days off in between each flip.  The problem with this is you never really get used to either a day or night rotation, so your body is constantly left guessing which direction you're headed, further stressing it out.

Now we all do the best we can to prepare for this disjointed, stressful little voyage we call a career that our bodies are taking, but inevitably there are those shifts that defy preparation due to various reasons, be they of a personal nature or influenced by events around you.

These shifts are hell.

The list of symptoms you experience during these shifts right around that 3am to 4am lull in your circadian rhythm reads like the side effects from a bad trial of medication.  You know the commercials I'm talking about.  They play during The Price is Right and star that Walter Grumley (Brumley? Crumley? dunoo...) guy, because hey... advertisers know they're audience!

We're talking everything from the obvious like fatigue and drowsiness, to the mental issues of inability to focus, boredom, and lethargy.  Nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, and diarhea can also be in that list, but hey!  That's what Pepto Bismal is for, right?  Oh, and the headaches.  Can't forget the headaches.

At any rate, after suffering through shifts like these for just over 8 years now, I've come up with a list of things not to attempt to do at 4am.
  1. Soduku.  Don't... even... bother.  You're frustration will be extreme.
  2. Read a book that is the tiniest, teeniest iota un-engaging.  If you're gonna read it at this time of day, it better be the most exciting book you've ever read.
  3. Attempt a conversation on anything remotely complicated, like say quantum theory or how kittens could exist in bubbles.  The results will be riDQlous.
  4. Blog.  Seriously, can you count all the erros?  I'm purposely not editing this post you can see just how broken my brain is at the moment (I'm in the lull).
  5. Soduko... wait.  Did I already say that?
  6. Operate heavy machinery.  Good thing my car isn't that heavy.
  7. Blog.  This post is more disjointed than a Cirque du Soleil performer.
  8. ...
  9. Wait... what?
And that dear readers condludes my lecture on how tot create a lovely centrepiece, from nothing but some bubblegum, and eraser, and some napkins you swiped from McDonald's.  Tune in next time for our next martha Stewart project, where we will create bubbles with kittens in them! 

Saturday, March 26, 2011

An open letter to Mother Nature

Dear Mother Nature,

I am writing to inform you that an item I had ordered from you, Spring, has yet to arrive at my address. Initially, I thought it was a problem with Canada Post, but they claim that this item was never shipped as they have no tracking information for it.

The non-shipment of this item creates great distress for my business, increasing calls into our call centres and creating much discontent among our many clients. May I remind you that it is critical that this item arrive at a certain time every year in order to prevent individuals who live in inhospitable, arctic-like climates for 7 to 8 months of the year from snapping and doing horrible, unimaginable things that I can't share because I can't even imagine them. They are unimaginable.

I remind you that you are under a seasonal contract to deliver this item.

I kindly ask that you rush-ship this item within two weeks, or at least show some intent to deliver. Non-shipment of this item will result in breach of contract, and we will have to remove you from our approved vendors list.



Random commentaries from a random mind - March 2011

Sometimes on my commute home from work, I find my mind wandering and pondering over a myriad of topics, whether they be current world events, what to make for supper, or the song playing on the radio.  So, I thought what better way to inundate you with all the things and thinks that go on in my brain (wait... I guess I've already been doing that) than a quick commentary blog.

Here goes.

ANOTHER <insert groan here> Federal Election

The past week saw the opposition in our hallowed halls of federal politics topple our current minority government and send us all back to the polls this spring.  Watching some news coverage of this whole fiasco, I had to chuckle at Ignatieff when being interviewed afterward, who stated that any Canadian who wanted to get rid of the Conservatives had to vote Liberal.

Ummm... yeah.  I kind of thought that was obvious.  If you want a certain party to lose, you generally have to vote for the other guy.  Apparently he thinks the collective IQ of the Canadian public is quite low.  

I'm not sure what any of these guys don't get, but I would think the fact we all elected a minority government the last few times would suggest that maybe Canadians don't really like any of them.  Sadly, with few viable options, we are left voting for the one we think might do the least amount of damage.  Parliament has become less an institution that governs our fine country, and more an oversized daycare where the kids all fight over who gets to play with the only firetruck.
Unfortunately, that firetruck is our country.

To be honest, I have no idea who I'll vote for in the upcoming election, because I think they are all idiots.  I can't really say I like any of their policies, nor do I think any of them will follow through on election promises or govern effectively.  Tough call indeed. 

I'm sure I'll be complaining about, and making fun of our lovely politicians in posts to come.  Stay tuned!


Well, the nuclear power plants didn't gargantuously explode and spew massive amounts of radiation into our atmosphere killing us all, and the amazing stories or heroism and survival are becoming fewer, which means the media frenzy has run it's course and Japan has fallen from the headlines.  It's a shame, really, because there will be ongoing cleanup efforts there for months and possibly even years to come.  Remember Hurricane Katrina?  Of course not... unless you're one of the one's still displaced by the events, or happen to be a tourist that stumbles upon one of the deserted neighbourhoods in New Orleans.

Sorry.  Is my intense dislike of the media showing through?  My bad.

I ask at this time we all remember that there are still people (and animals!) needing help over there, and encourage all to read my PG blog post on the matter (located over at my Martha Stewart personalities blog), or my previous post within this blog. I recently ran a one woman bake sale at work, and have to thank my colleagues for their generous donations which went to an animal rescue group over there, the Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support group.  You guys are all fab.  My Etsy shop, GrinningDogDesigns is also running a small fundraiser for the same organization.  And as always, the Red Cross accepts donations as well, helping out the less furry victims of this tragedy.

The one spot of brightness in all this is Japan is an amazing country with a strong economy, if anyone could weather such a storm, they can.

S&M by Rihanna

Moving to a completely irrelevant topic in the grand scheme of things, let's talk a little celebrity.  

My musical tastes are pretty varied, and I've found myself listening to a lot of the local top-40, urban type stations that have been popping up on the dial lately.  

When I first heard Rihanna's new hit, S&M, I thought it was a little catchy.  Although not into the whole S&M gig myself (I'll save you the speculation), I can see how the danceability of this song made it rise on the charts.  Apparently, the song is a metaphor for her relationship with the media, but I'm left wondering how many 14 or 15 year olds downloading it on iTunes actually realize this, because I have to say it's not obvious (nor even subtle) at all based on the lyrics.  After Google'ing the lyrics, in fact, I was left wondering just how much of a 'victim' Rihanna was in the whole Chris Brown abuse fiasco until I read an interview with her regarding the song in which she talked about the message regarding the media she intended with the song.  She also stated she was surprised about the controversy surrounding the song.

Really, Rihanna?  You release a song about sex and sadomasochism, being a former victim of domestic abuse, and expect it to attract no notice?

Metaphor message?  FAIL.  Free media? WIN.

Go celebrities.

Charlie Sheen

Speaking of misunderstood celebrities, we come to Charlie Sheen.  Despite his meltdown and the loss of his television show, the ole boys doin' pretty well methinks, selling out stage shows everywhere and gaining a huge following in the social networking world.

I enjoyed Two and a Half Men, but to me the show was starting to jump the shark a wee bit, and becoming a little repetitive.  I've often wondered how many celebrity meltdowns are just cleverly planned vehicles to transition one's career to a new level or in a different direction.  I mean, the show was bound to either be cancelled or wrap up soon anyways, in my opinion.  Honestly, I expect the reality show or pornography video announcement to come any day now.  In fact, I may already have missed it, given my general lack of interest in most things celebrity.

In an additional Sheen-related callout I have to give kudo's to Duck Sauce for a catchy remix of their hit Barbara Streisand, as in the words of The Music Ninja:

Duck Sauce’s “Barbra Streisand” got a ‘winning’ makeover! As if you needed another reason to love the infectious beat of this song, the “Charlie Sheen (Spinstyle’s Bi-Winning Edit)” pumps this track full of so much ‘tiger blood,’ it makes you feel like you were banging 7 gram rocks with the man himself. Pop culture appropriation at it’s finest…DUH!

Charlie Sheen... infectious in more ways than one, perhaps?

That's all I got for now, sportsfans!  Thanks for reading.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Time change to daylight savings

Twice annually I become a very unhappy camper for a period of approximately a week.  It's got nothing to do with birthdays, holidays or my female dog going into heat.  These things all make me an unhappy camper on a completely different, lesser-degree level. 

What, you ask, could possibly do this?

It's time change.

The flip back and forth between Daylight Savings (DST) and Standard Time has got to be the most annoying, useless piece of bureaucracy ever invented.  Every spring and fall, as I suffer from:

- sleep disruption,
- disorientation about it being light/dark at <insert time of morning/evening here>,
- hunger pangs at innapropriate times of the day,
- and my dogs being upset at the disruption to their schedule,

I spend approximately a week cursing at the powers that be that allow this idiotic practice to continue.  My symptoms read like a bad warning label on yet another drug we don't need.  The very words 'time change' send a shiver down my spine, and create an impending sense of dread within the depths of my chest unparallelled in it's... ummm... dreadiness.  It evokes a hatred in me so white hot, boiling, bubbling and otherwise... ummm... hot and hatred filled, that...

...well, I'm not sure what.  You get the picture, though.

Saskatchewan (as in Canada, for the geographically challenged), although possessing a boring shape geographically and being relatively flat and featureless, has got this nailed, people!  They are rebels, refusing to conform to the world bureaucracy by not changing their clocks during time change!  They just float blithely along choosing whichever time zone suits their fancy as the seasons advance, effectively staying on Central Standard Time (or Mountain Daylight, if you prefer) year-round.

Oh if only my provincial politicians were so bold and rebellious!
Locations that do (blue), used to (orange), and
never did (red) observe time change.
Image: Wikimedia Commons

There are actually a number of places in the world who no longer, or never did observe a change to DST.  Notably, these locations are all more equatorially located than the northern latitudes I inhabit, but as the number of locations that do not observe time change increases and creep ever north and southward, I believe it is important to note something about these non-conforming countries. 

When time change rolls around and they don't change their clocks, nothing happens!  That's right, people, there are no consequences to not moving ahead or setting back your clocks!  The economy and financial empires that dominate our modern world do not collapse, the country does not dissolve into a state of political unrest or outright civil war (recent Middle Eastern events being the exception, but this had nothing to do with time change, moreso time for a change), computers do not stop working, cars do not stop driving, cows do not stop mooing, fish do not stop swimming...

Need I go on?

According to Wikipedia, Daylight Savings Time was first proposed in 1895 by a New Zealand shift worker, who was also an avid entomologist in his spare time.  He proposed a change such that he would have more daylight hours to persue his hobby in the evening after work.  It wasn't adopted, and there were a few more proposals for such a change in the years that followed, but it wasn't until World War I that it was finally adopted somewhere... Germany.  This was a bid to conserve coal for the war effort.  And things kind of derailed (in my mind, at least) from there.

Various reasons for the adoption of DST have ranged over the years from financial, to those espousing benefits to one's health.  However to date very few of these reasons have been proven to be valid, and the only real benefit has been to retailers, who see shoppers more willing to shop during daylight hours.

Given that the vast majority of the supposed benefits to a change to DST have since been debunked as having negligible, or even negative, value, why have we not gotten rid of this ridiculousness?

I think there is a provincial election coming up soon... I will cast my vote for anyone who runs on a campaign of ditching time change.

My very clever drawing of Saskatchewan.
See how easy it is, people?

Yup, still moo'ing...
...and still swimming.