
Monday, December 5, 2011

The Christmas Wish List

Christmas is inevitably a time of some contemplation around here, as Husband and I start nagging each other about what we want.  This year, however, I thought I might make it easier on him by dropping some hints.  Now, to add a little backstory, I've recently been watching the entire Stargate SG-1 series (gettin' my geek on, yee-ah!) from start to finish on DVD, and many great ideas have occurred to me while watching the show of what I'd like for Christmas.

So, I present to you my Christmas wishlist!  Along with my husband's not-always-encouraging responses.

Seriously.  Coolest gift idea EVAR!

Me:  Can I have a stargate for Christmas?
Husband:  No.

Me:  Can I have a spaceship for Christmas?
Husband:  No.

Me:  Can I have a wormhole for Christmas?
Husband:  A what?!
Me:  You know, a wormhole.  Transports you light-years across the galaxy instantaneously...
Husband: ...

Al'kesh bomber - rear view.
Me:  Can I have a stargate for Christmas?
Husband:  Still no.

Me:  Okay, I definitely do NOT want a Goa'uld symbiote for Christmas.
Husband:  Alright.  I'll take it back then.

Me:  Can I have an automatic weapon for Christmas?
Husband:  YES!
My prototype Al'kesh. Unfortunately,
it lost structural integrity when I had
my lunch.  A lovely piece of
tortierre.  Back to the drawing

Me:  Can I have a Al'kesh bomber for Christmas?
Husband:  I have no idea WTF that is.  So no. 

Me:  Can I have some refined naquadah for Christmas?
Husband:  What?!

Me:  Can I have some C4 for Christmas?
Husband:  Hell YES!
Me: ...
Husband: Seriously.  Can I bring home some C4?
Me: ...

Me:  Can I have a SWAT team for Christmas?
Husband:  You're married to one.
Me:  Point.

Me:  Can I have a hyperdrive for Christmas?
Husband:  No.

Me:  You know, I'd really like a stargate for Christmas...
Husband:  No.

So, in conclusion, I think it far more likely that I'm getting a weaving book and warping board for Christmas, and not the stargate or spaceship that I really want.

But then again, there's always Santa...

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