
Saturday, March 26, 2011

Random commentaries from a random mind - March 2011

Sometimes on my commute home from work, I find my mind wandering and pondering over a myriad of topics, whether they be current world events, what to make for supper, or the song playing on the radio.  So, I thought what better way to inundate you with all the things and thinks that go on in my brain (wait... I guess I've already been doing that) than a quick commentary blog.

Here goes.

ANOTHER <insert groan here> Federal Election

The past week saw the opposition in our hallowed halls of federal politics topple our current minority government and send us all back to the polls this spring.  Watching some news coverage of this whole fiasco, I had to chuckle at Ignatieff when being interviewed afterward, who stated that any Canadian who wanted to get rid of the Conservatives had to vote Liberal.

Ummm... yeah.  I kind of thought that was obvious.  If you want a certain party to lose, you generally have to vote for the other guy.  Apparently he thinks the collective IQ of the Canadian public is quite low.  

I'm not sure what any of these guys don't get, but I would think the fact we all elected a minority government the last few times would suggest that maybe Canadians don't really like any of them.  Sadly, with few viable options, we are left voting for the one we think might do the least amount of damage.  Parliament has become less an institution that governs our fine country, and more an oversized daycare where the kids all fight over who gets to play with the only firetruck.
Unfortunately, that firetruck is our country.

To be honest, I have no idea who I'll vote for in the upcoming election, because I think they are all idiots.  I can't really say I like any of their policies, nor do I think any of them will follow through on election promises or govern effectively.  Tough call indeed. 

I'm sure I'll be complaining about, and making fun of our lovely politicians in posts to come.  Stay tuned!


Well, the nuclear power plants didn't gargantuously explode and spew massive amounts of radiation into our atmosphere killing us all, and the amazing stories or heroism and survival are becoming fewer, which means the media frenzy has run it's course and Japan has fallen from the headlines.  It's a shame, really, because there will be ongoing cleanup efforts there for months and possibly even years to come.  Remember Hurricane Katrina?  Of course not... unless you're one of the one's still displaced by the events, or happen to be a tourist that stumbles upon one of the deserted neighbourhoods in New Orleans.

Sorry.  Is my intense dislike of the media showing through?  My bad.

I ask at this time we all remember that there are still people (and animals!) needing help over there, and encourage all to read my PG blog post on the matter (located over at my Martha Stewart personalities blog), or my previous post within this blog. I recently ran a one woman bake sale at work, and have to thank my colleagues for their generous donations which went to an animal rescue group over there, the Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support group.  You guys are all fab.  My Etsy shop, GrinningDogDesigns is also running a small fundraiser for the same organization.  And as always, the Red Cross accepts donations as well, helping out the less furry victims of this tragedy.

The one spot of brightness in all this is Japan is an amazing country with a strong economy, if anyone could weather such a storm, they can.

S&M by Rihanna

Moving to a completely irrelevant topic in the grand scheme of things, let's talk a little celebrity.  

My musical tastes are pretty varied, and I've found myself listening to a lot of the local top-40, urban type stations that have been popping up on the dial lately.  

When I first heard Rihanna's new hit, S&M, I thought it was a little catchy.  Although not into the whole S&M gig myself (I'll save you the speculation), I can see how the danceability of this song made it rise on the charts.  Apparently, the song is a metaphor for her relationship with the media, but I'm left wondering how many 14 or 15 year olds downloading it on iTunes actually realize this, because I have to say it's not obvious (nor even subtle) at all based on the lyrics.  After Google'ing the lyrics, in fact, I was left wondering just how much of a 'victim' Rihanna was in the whole Chris Brown abuse fiasco until I read an interview with her regarding the song in which she talked about the message regarding the media she intended with the song.  She also stated she was surprised about the controversy surrounding the song.

Really, Rihanna?  You release a song about sex and sadomasochism, being a former victim of domestic abuse, and expect it to attract no notice?

Metaphor message?  FAIL.  Free media? WIN.

Go celebrities.

Charlie Sheen

Speaking of misunderstood celebrities, we come to Charlie Sheen.  Despite his meltdown and the loss of his television show, the ole boys doin' pretty well methinks, selling out stage shows everywhere and gaining a huge following in the social networking world.

I enjoyed Two and a Half Men, but to me the show was starting to jump the shark a wee bit, and becoming a little repetitive.  I've often wondered how many celebrity meltdowns are just cleverly planned vehicles to transition one's career to a new level or in a different direction.  I mean, the show was bound to either be cancelled or wrap up soon anyways, in my opinion.  Honestly, I expect the reality show or pornography video announcement to come any day now.  In fact, I may already have missed it, given my general lack of interest in most things celebrity.

In an additional Sheen-related callout I have to give kudo's to Duck Sauce for a catchy remix of their hit Barbara Streisand, as in the words of The Music Ninja:

Duck Sauce’s “Barbra Streisand” got a ‘winning’ makeover! As if you needed another reason to love the infectious beat of this song, the “Charlie Sheen (Spinstyle’s Bi-Winning Edit)” pumps this track full of so much ‘tiger blood,’ it makes you feel like you were banging 7 gram rocks with the man himself. Pop culture appropriation at it’s finest…DUH!

Charlie Sheen... infectious in more ways than one, perhaps?

That's all I got for now, sportsfans!  Thanks for reading.

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