
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

New day, new blog

Well sports fans, here we are.  New blog, first post.  An epic day indeed!

Or not.

At any rate, I guess I should give you all the warnings and legal mumbo jumbo regarding my blog.  

First off, I am not really responsible for anything my mind writes on here.  My mind and I may co-habitate my body, but we have an agreement that my mind does nothing to endanger nor embarrass my person, and I limit my alcohol consumption to the very occasional evening bender (I know, lame, but hey we all have to move beyond the college/university years sometime).

Second, this blog is not G-rated.  While I go through my daily life doing my best to be all tactful and G-rated (or at the very least, PG) I refuse to do such on my blog, because hey it's the internet and we're talking freedom of expression here.  Plus, my father is a truck driver.  I blame him for branding all these bad words in my brain from a very young age.  Thank you Dad for improving my vocabulary.  Heaven knows Mom certainly appreciated it.  Possible post to come on that later...

Third, don't expect regular updates.  I am a busy person with a busy life, and will try to get on here as often as ideas pour out of my brain, but there's no guarantees, people.

Fourth, there really is no legal mumbo jumbo, beyond don't be an ass and sell any stellar ideas I may blog about to big, evil corporations.  Because my brain knows kung-fu, and will find you...  

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